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President's Volunteer Service Award

Please take a moment to fill out the form.

스크린샷 2024-07-26 오후 10.13.47.png

Hours Required to Earn Award in Each Age Group (within a 12-month period)

Thank you for participating in the Korean Youth Volunteer Network's volunteer program under the SFKAHM.

The responsibility for all risks arising within the Dosan is borne by the legally responsible parents. Additionally, if any actions occur within the Dosan that fail to maintain dignity or lower the atmosphere, thereby damaging the reputation, the membership of the individual involved will be immediately revoked. For example, it is prohibited to speak ill of other members, spread unverified information as if it were true, or engage in gossip about students and parents. Furthermore, transmitting incorrect information related to the museum to external parties is not permitted.

Annual Fee: $120
2.   CHECK

Please read the volunteer guidelines carefully and upload your completed work to the designated folder. After review by the person in charge, volunteer points will be awarded based on your submissions.

​* Upload Folder : Click here please.

Volunteer Guidelines

  • Shorts Video, Videos, and Cartoon Creation

    • Shorts Video (1 minute * 20 hours)

    • Video (1 minute * 20 hours * video length)

    • Cartoon: Approximately 20 panels (30 hours)

  • Video and Cartoon Promotion

    • Bonus Points: If you promote the works you have created and upload evidence to the designated folder, the person in charge will review and award volunteer hours.

  • Dosan and Museum Theme Composition (40 hours)

  • Other Activities:

    • Meetings (20 hours) / A Zoom meeting among students (2 hours)

    • Site visits with the museum (40 hours)

    • Museum events (20 hours)

    • Create a final product with a photo certification of the visit to the historic site (20 hours).

You can complete these activities and submit your work between September 1, 2024, and August 31, 2025. After all activities are completed, your submitted work will be reviewed, and the points awarded will be compiled. Based on this evaluation, you will be eligible to receive the PVSA according to its criteria.


Sample Videos Created by the Museum


We appreciate your participation and support in promoting this inaugural year of Dosan. Thank you!

Inquiries: Jeong Eun-kyung (Chair) /


What is a PVSA Certifying Organization?
A certifying organization is an entity authorized to grant the PVSA to volunteers after reviewing the application and evaluation process.





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SF Korean American History Museum
PO Box #2333 PLEASANT HILL CA 94523
650 630 2860

©2022 by San Francisco Korean American History Museum.

Contact Info.

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