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President's Volunteer Service Award

The SFKAHM has been designated as a Certifying Organization for the President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA). This means that individuals who volunteer at the SFKAHM can now be eligible for the PVSA. To provide more volunteer opportunities for youth, the museum has launched a youth volunteer organization— the Korean Youth Volunteer Network.

Dosan' is named after Dosan Ahn Chang-ho, a pioneering figure in Korea’s independence movement, an educator, and a nationalist. The name "Dosan" means "Far Island," and it is derived from an experience Ahn Chang-ho had in 1902 when he first saw the island of Hawaii from a ship on his way to America, where it appeared to him like a large mountain. This name reflects his passionate dedication to Korean nationalism, the struggle for independence, and the hope for a brighter future. It also carries the message of becoming a person who gives hope and courage to others.

The SFKAHM has prepared a system that allows Korean-American youth to engage in volunteer activities in areas that were previously limited within the Korean community. The museum’s goal is to create opportunities for personal growth through volunteering while also contributing to society. It hopes that these efforts will help youth become sources of hope and courage in the mainstream society, the Korean-American community, and other communities.

* Program Structure

  • Providing various volunteer programs via the museum’s website

  • Creating and managing a volunteer record database for award eligibility

  • Activating volunteer clubs and building a community through overseas volunteer group recruitment

  • Regular meetings with volunteers to promote understanding and collaboration

* Volunteer Programs

The following programs are available for volunteers:

  • Creation of promotional videos and cartoons about Korean-American immigration history

  • Composing music related to Dosan and the museum’s themes

  • Conducting, filming, editing, and producing interviews with key figures in Korean-American immigration history

  • Various community service.

* Eligibility

  • The program is open to anyone interested in the history of Korean immigration to the U.S., including children and adults, both in the U.S. and internationally.

  • Anyone wishing to participate in volunteer activities is eligible to apply.

* Recruitment period : From August every year

* volunteer hours : Every year from September to August of the following year (based on 12 months) – the hours of recognition of service for each program shall be in accordance with the standards set by the museum. (EX : American immigration shorts video production - 20 hours )

* Age and Service Hours Category: Applicants must complete certain service hours within one year. Applicants for the Lifetime Achievement Award must meet the accumulated time conditions they have accumulated over several years.



스크린샷 2024-07-26 오후 10.13.47.png

Hours Required to Earn Award in Each Age Group (within a 12-month period)

Thank you for participating in the Korean Youth Volunteer Network's volunteer program under the SFKAHM.

The responsibility for all risks arising within the Dosan is borne by the legally responsible parents. Additionally, if any actions occur within the Dosan that fail to maintain dignity or lower the atmosphere, thereby damaging the reputation, the membership of the individual involved will be immediately revoked. For example, it is prohibited to speak ill of other members, spread unverified information as if it were true, or engage in gossip about students and parents. Furthermore, transmitting incorrect information related to the museum to external parties is not permitted.

Annual Fee: $120
2.   CHECK

Please read the volunteer guidelines carefully and upload your completed work to the designated folder. After review by the person in charge, volunteer points will be awarded based on your submissions.

​* Upload Folder : Click here please.

Volunteer Guidelines

  • Shorts Video, Videos, and Cartoon Creation

    • Shorts Video (1 minute * 20 hours)

    • Video (1 minute * 20 hours * video length)

    • Cartoon: Approximately 20 panels (30 hours)

  • Video and Cartoon Promotion

    • Bonus Points: If you promote the works you have created and upload evidence to the designated folder, the person in charge will review and award volunteer hours.

  • Dosan and Museum Theme Composition (40 hours)

  • Other Activities:

    • Meetings (20 hours) / A Zoom meeting among students (2 hours)

    • Site visits with the museum (40 hours)

    • Museum events (20 hours)

    • Create a final product with a photo certification of the visit to the historic site (20 hours).

You can complete these activities and submit your work between September 1, 2024, and August 31, 2025. After all activities are completed, your submitted work will be reviewed, and the points awarded will be compiled. Based on this evaluation, you will be eligible to receive the PVSA according to its criteria.


Sample Videos Created by the Museum


We appreciate your participation and support in promoting this inaugural year of Dosan. Thank you!

Inquiries: Jeong Eun-kyung (Chair) /


What is a PVSA Certifying Organization?
A certifying organization is an entity authorized to grant the PVSA to volunteers after reviewing the application and evaluation process.





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SF Korean American History Museum
PO Box #50592 E.Palo Alto, CA 94303
650 630 2860

©2022 by San Francisco Korean American History Museum.

Contact Info.

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